Notification of recent enforcement action against an activity provider

A Local Authority has served an enforcement notice under the Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations against an activity provider offering licensable activities to children without a valid licence. Further violation by the provider could lead to prosecution, which could result in a fine or imprisonment. AALA wishes to notify anyone providing licensable activities without the required licence that they can expect to receive future attention from Local Authority or HSE inspectors.

AALA will continue to work with enforcing authorities when potential non-compliance with the requirements of the AALA regulations is identified and will assist them where required to take appropriate enforcement action.

All activity providers should review their activities to check whether any may be in scope of the AALA regulations and ensure they have obtained a relevant licence before provision takes place. Licensed providers should also make sure they apply to renew their licence in plenty of time and pay attention to the detail of their licence, which sets out the activities they are licensed to provide along with the conditions they need to comply with when operating.
