Tim Morton

Head of Service

Adventure RMS Tim Morton

As a young child with access to the coast and trusting parents Tim was out on the sea in anything that would float, and several things which didn’t, eventually becoming a self-taught sailor and paddler. After ‘discovering’ the mountains and (at roughly the same time) opportunities to work in environments previously thought of as just for holidays and days off, he has now worked in adventure activities for over 30 years.

Tim has worked as an instructor, coach, trainer/assessor, lecturer, manager, provider and more recently as a regulator. Working with individuals and groups as diverse as high tariff young offenders, aspiring outdoor instructors and senior industry managers has only reinforced Tim’s view of the potential for appropriately managed adventure to have a positive impact on the lives of all those who are given the opportunity to experience it.

Working and living in England, Scotland, and Wales as well as professional and personal trips across the world have been additional benefits of a varied career to date.

Prior to establishing Adventure RMS Tim was a senior inspector, expert witness, and the Deputy Head of Inspection for AALS. He has delivered National Governing Body training and assessment for Mountain Training, the British Canoe Union (now British Canoeing) and the Royal Yachting Association and holds a first degree (BA), post graduate certificate (PGCE) and master’s degree (MSc) in related subjects. He continues to be an active climber, cyclist, paddler and sailor.
