David’s interest in outdoor adventure goes back to his school days, messing about in a homemade motorised canoe, helping take challenging young people climbing, and attending courses at Aberglaslyn Hall, the local authority outdoor centre.
Studying for a Theology degree at St Andrews University confirmed a lifelong passion for mountains and wild places and led to a PGCE in outdoor education and religious studies. These early experiences were the start of a 45-year fascination with how to balance the inherent risks of adventure activities with their power to transform and enrich life.
He has been a school teacher, centre instructor, college lecturer, head of centre, local authority adviser, AALA inspector, and consultant. He has lived and worked in all three home nations of the UK, including managing centres in North Wales, the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales, and being AALA senior inspector in the SE and NW of England.
David has been Chair of the Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres, a trustee and Lead Practitioner of the Institute of Outdoor Learning, a member of the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel – for seven years as one of the authors of National Guidance. He has written several articles on the importance and management of outdoor adventure education.
He has worked as a mountaineering and climbing instructor in summer and winter and an international mountain leader, been a canoe and kayak coach, a commercial yacht skipper, a dinghy instructor, a youth expedition leader and a senior first aid trainer.
David has degrees in Theology, Philosophy and Education Management.