Andy White


Andy grew up in the Kent countryside and his early outdoor adventure experiences were through participation in youth groups and associations in that area. He started his instructing career as a kayaking instructor in the late 1990’s and has worked in multi activity outdoor centres in Wales and England.

Andy worked as Operations Manager for a large multi activity centre in the South East for over 15 years and was on the provider side of AALA inspections on many occasions. He holds a range of water and land based outdoor leadership and coaching qualifications including BSUPA instructor trainer, a RYA senior dinghy instructor, advanced and keelboat instructor, Paddle UK PSRC provider, as well as kayaking and canoeing coaching awards.

More recently, Andy has worked as a regional health and safety advisor and is an accredited technical member of IOSH (the institute for occupational safety and health). As well as being an inspector, Andy also works as a health and safety advisor in education.

In his spare time Andy enjoys paddling and climbing with friends, his wife and his 2 young sons.
