The HSE have introduced changes to the way licence duration is determined which will affect the duration of a licence at first issue and subsequent renewal.
All new applicants awarded a licence with a start date after 31 March 2025 will begin with a one-year licence regardless of the size and complexity of their business.
For those with existing licences on 1 April 2025, the duration of the licence will be determined at their next renewal using a new model. This means that, at renewal, anyone with a one-year licence now can expect a two-year licence and those with a two-year licence can expect a three-year licence, providing they meet the following two conditions:
- They demonstrate satisfactory compliance at renewal application with no significant remedial actions being required, and
- They have operated without issues of regulatory concern arising during their previous licence period.
The HSE have provided guidance, including responses to FAQs, to assist applicants to understand these new arrangements. These are also available within the ‘Guidance’ section of the Adventure RMS website under the ‘AALA’ tab.
Adventure RMS is required to continue to apply AALA Note 1.03 to applications for licences with a start date on or before 31st March, when it will be withdrawn.
Under the new arrangements duration will be assigned by the licensing authority, with the assistance of Adventure RMS. These new arrangements do not require professional judgements by inspectors in relation to the size, complexity or staffing arrangements of applicants. Inspectors will therefore no longer be required to recommend the duration of a licence.